Is it possible to define my values for sorting
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add("C1").SortType = 6
	.Columns.Add "C2"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Cell 1")
		.CellData(h,0) = "3.your extra data"
		.CellValue(h,1) = "SortValue=3"
		h = .AddItem("Cell 1.1")
		.CellData(h,0) = "1.your extra data"
		.CellValue(h,1) = " SortValue=1"
		h = .AddItem("Cell 1.2")
		.CellData(h,0) = "5.your extra data"
		.CellValue(h,1) = " SortValue=5"
		h = .AddItem("Cell 1.3")
		.CellData(h,0) = "2.your extra data"
		.CellValue(h,1) = " SortValue=2"
	End With
End With
I have multiple dropdown lists, that are depending on each other, that means that the values in dropdown list no. 2 is based on the users selection in dropdown list no 1. How can I do this
' EditOpen event - Occurs when the edit operation starts.
Private Sub G2antt1_EditOpen()
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			v = .CellValue(.FocusItem,0)
			c = .CellCaption(.FocusItem,0)
		End With
		With .Columns.Item(1).Editor
			.AddItem v,c
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	With .Columns.Add("DropDownList")
		With .Editor
			.EditType = 3
			.AddItem 1,"First"
			.AddItem 2,"Second"
			.AddItem 3,"Third"
		End With
	End With
	.DrawGridLines = -1
	.Columns.Add("DropDownList-Related").Editor.EditType = 3
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem(1),1) = -1
		.CellValue(.AddItem(2),1) = -1
		.CellValue(.AddItem(3),1) = -1
		.LockedItemCount(2) = 1
		h = .LockedItem(2,0)
		.ItemDivider(h) = 0
		.ItemDividerLineAlignment(h) = 2
		.CellEditorVisible(h,0) = False
		.CellSingleLine(h,0) = False
		.CellValueFormat(h,0) = 1
		.CellValue(h,0) = "The drop down editor in the second column is filled during the <b>EditOpen event</b>, and the values are based on the selection" & _
" on the first column."
	End With
End With
Is it possible background color displayed when the mouse passes over an item
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Def"
	.HotBackColor = RGB(0,0,128)
	.HotForeColor = RGB(255,255,255)
	With .Items
		.AddItem "Item A"
		.AddItem "Item B"
		.AddItem "Item C"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to magnify a specified date and apply a different background color

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.DrawLevelSeparator = False
		.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.FirstVisibleDate = #11/23/2011#
		.LevelCount = 3
		.FirstWeekDay = 1
		.AllowInsideZoom = True
		.InsideZooms.Add(#11/29/2011#).AllowCustomFormat = True
		With .InsideZooms.Item(#11/29/2011#)
			.Width = 68
			.CustomFormat.BackColorChart = RGB(224,224,224)
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		hA = .AddItem("Task A")
		.AddBar hA,"Task",#11/24/2011#,#11/26/2011#,"A"
		hB = .AddItem("Task B")
		.AddBar hB,"Task",#11/28/2011#,#12/1/2011#,"B"
		.AddLink "LinkAB",hA,"A",hB,"B"
		.Link("LinkAB",9) = 2
		.Link("LinkAB",10) = 2
	End With
End With
Could you please tell me how to add multiple bars to the one line

With G2antt1
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2002#
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2002#,#1/4/2002#,"A"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/6/2002#,#1/10/2002#,"B"
		.ItemBar(h,"A",33) = 255
		.AddLink "AB",h,"A",h,"B"
	End With
End With
My development environment does not have any Object,GetOcx,DefaultDispatch,GetControlUnknown,nativeObject, ... property, is there any alternative I can pass the component to PrintExt so I can get printed
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
		.Link("L1",6) = 0
	End With
	.Template = "Dim p;p = CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt = Me;p.AutoRelease = False;p.Preview();"
End With
My development environment does not have any Object,GetOcx,DefaultDispatch,GetControlUnknown,nativeObject, ... property, is there any alternative I can pass the component to PrintExt so I can get printed
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
		.Link("L1",6) = 0
	End With
	With CreateObject("Exontrol.Print")
		.PrintExt = G2antt1.ExecuteTemplate("me").Object
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display the bar's captions or labels with a different font/size

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.DefaultItemHeight = 24
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Default")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"","This is a the control's font"
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Smaller")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"","<font ;5>This is a the control's font with a smaller size"
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Larger")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"","<font ;15>This is a the control's font with a larger size"
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Tahoma 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"","<font Tahoma>This is using a Tahoma font"
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Tahoma 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"","<font Tahoma;14>This is using a <b>Tahoma</b> font with a different size"
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
	End With
End With
How can I apply the same ConditionalFormat on more than 1(one) column (multiple columns and not on item)
With G2antt1
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1","K1")
		.BackColor = RGB(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = 1 ' &H1
	End With
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1","K2")
		.BackColor = RGB(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = 2 ' &H2
	End With
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.DrawGridLines = -2
	With .Columns
		.Add "Column 1"
		.Add "Column 2"
		.Add "Column 3"
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the height for all items at once
With G2antt1
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	.Columns.Add "Items"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(0) = True
	End With
	.DefaultItemHeight = 12
	.Items.ItemHeight(0) = 12
End With
Is it possible to include the weekday when displaying the date

With G2antt1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add "Tasks"
		With .Add("Start")
			.Def(18) = 1
			.Def(17) = 1
			.FormatColumn = "value + '<font ;6> '  + (weekday(date(value)) case(0:'Sun';1:'Mon';2:'Tue';3:'Wed';4:'Thu';5:'Fri';6:'Sat'))"
		End With
		With .Add("End")
			.Def(18) = 2
			.Def(17) = 1
			.FormatColumn = "value + '<font ;6> '  + (weekday(date(value)) case(0:'Sun';1:'Mon';2:'Tue';3:'Wed';4:'Thu';5:'Fri';6:'Sat'))"
		End With
	End With
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 256
		.NonworkingDays = 0
		.FirstWeekDay = 1
	End With
	With .Items
		.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#9/22/2006#,#9/25/2006#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 3"),"Task",#9/23/2006#,#9/26/2006#
	End With
End With
I need my chart to display the end date with on day less. How can I do this (Method 1)

With G2antt1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add "Tasks"
		.Add("Start").Def(18) = 1
		With .Add("End")
			.Def(18) = 2
			.FormatColumn = "shortdate(date(value)-1)"
		End With
	End With
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 196
		.NonworkingDays = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#9/22/2006#,#9/25/2006#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 3"),"Task",#9/23/2006#,#9/26/2006#
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display my custom time-units

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = 0
		.NonworkingDays = 0
		With .Level(0)
			.Unit = 4096
			.Count = 16
			.Alignment = 1
			.Label = "<%i%>"
			.FormatLabel = "'Half ' + (1 + (value/16) mod 2)"
		End With
		With .Level(1)
			.Label = "<%i%>"
			.FormatLabel = "1 + value mod 16"
			.ReplaceLabel(2) = "<font ;10><B>Y"
		End With
		.AdjustLevelsToBase = True
		.ScrollRange(0) = 0
		.ScrollRange(1) = 31
	End With
End With
Is it possible to add new records and see them in the control's view using the DataSource

' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub G2antt1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.SelectItem(Item) = True
			.EnsureVisibleItem Item
		End With
		.Edit 0
	End With
End Sub

' ButtonClick event - Occurs when user clicks on the cell's button.
Private Sub G2antt1_ButtonClick(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	With rs.Fields
		.Append "Task",8
		.Append "Start",7
		.Append "End",7
	End With
	.DrawGridLines = -2
	.DetectAddNew = True
	.DetectDelete = True
	.DataSource = rs
	With .Items
		.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
		h = .LockedItem(0,0)
		.ItemDivider(h) = 0
		.ItemHeight(h) = 22
		.CellValue(h,0) = "AddNew"
		.CellHasButton(h,0) = True
		.CellHAlignment(h,0) = 1
	End With
End With
How can I limit the bars to scrolling range only
' CreateBar event - Fired when the user creates a new bar.
Private Sub G2antt1_CreateBar(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal DateStart As Date,ByVal DateEnd As Date)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.ItemBar(Item,"newbar",22) = G2antt1.Chart.ScrollRange(2)
			.ItemBar(Item,"newbar",25) = G2antt1.Chart.ScrollRange(3)
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 56
		.ScrollRange(0) = #1/1/2001#
		.ScrollRange(1) = #1/15/2001#
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/12/2001#
		.AllowCreateBar = 1
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem "Task 1"
		.AddItem "Task 2"
		.AddItem "Task 3"
	End With
End With
How do I get the handle of the last added item
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Def"
	With .Items
		.AddItem 1
		.AddItem 2
		Debug.Print( .ItemByIndex(.ItemCount) )
	End With
End With
How can I set the charts date format to any other international Format then the US version. I would need "dd.mmm.yyyy" instead of "mmm.d.'yy"
With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Level(0)
			.Label = "<%dd%>.<%mmm%>.<%yyyy%>"
			.Unit = 256
			.Alignment = 17 ' AlignmentEnum.exHOutside Or AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
		End With
	End With
End With
Is it possible to define the bar colors, and have the cumulative histogram showing the same colors

With G2antt1
	.SingleSel = False
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/24/2000#
		.HistogramVisible = True
		.HistogramHeight = 64
		.PaneWidth(0) = 128
		.HistogramView = 1298 ' HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramNoGrouping Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramLeafItems Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramUnlockedItems Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramSelectedItems
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.HistogramType = 256
			.HistogramItems = 6
			.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
			.HistogramCumulativeOriginalColorBars = 1
			.OverlaidType = 1
		End With
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Project")
		.ItemBold(h) = True
		.SelectableItem(h) = False
		h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Item 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Item 2")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#
		h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Item 3")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/6/2001#
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/1/2001#,#1/3/2001#,"green"
		.ItemBar(h1,"green",33) = 65280
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"red"
		.ItemBar(h1,"red",33) = 255
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
End With
How can I hide the values shown in the legend when cumulative histogram is displayed

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.HistogramVisible = True
		.HistogramHeight = 64
		.PaneWidth(0) = 128
		.HistogramView = 1300 ' HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramNoGrouping Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramLeafItems Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramUnlockedItems Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramCheckedItems
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.HistogramPattern = 1
			.HistogramType = 256
			.HistogramItems = 6
			.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(128,0,0)
			.HistogramBorderColor = RGB(1,0,0)
			.HistogramCumulativeShowLegend = 65535
			.HistogramCumulativeOriginalColorBars = False
		End With
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Column")
		.Def(0) = True
		.PartialCheck = True
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Project 1")
		.AddBar .InsertItem(h,,"Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .InsertItem(h,,"Item 2"),"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#
		.AddBar .InsertItem(h,,"Item 3"),"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/6/2001#
		.AddBar .InsertItem(h,,"Item 4"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/8/2001#
		.CellState(.ItemByIndex(1),0) = 1
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
End With
Is it possible to define the bar colors, and have the cumulative histogram showing the same colors

With G2antt1
	.SelBackColor = .BackColor
	.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.HistogramVisible = True
		.HistogramHeight = 64
		.PaneWidth(0) = 128
		.HistogramView = 1300 ' HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramNoGrouping Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramLeafItems Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramUnlockedItems Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramCheckedItems
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.Color = RGB(128,128,128)
			.HistogramType = 256
			.HistogramItems = 6
			.HistogramRulerLinesColor = RGB(128,0,0)
			.HistogramBorderColor = RGB(1,0,0)
			.HistogramCumulativeColors = 2
			.HistogramCumulativeColor(0) = RGB(0,0,255)
			.HistogramCumulativeColor(1) = RGB(0,0,255)
			.HistogramCumulativeOriginalColorBars = False
			.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
			.HistogramCumulativeShowLegend = 65535
		End With
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Column")
		.Def(0) = True
		.PartialCheck = True
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Project 1")
		.AddBar .InsertItem(h,,"Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .InsertItem(h,,"Item 2"),"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#
		.AddBar .InsertItem(h,,"Item 3"),"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/6/2001#
		.AddBar .InsertItem(h,,"Item 4"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/8/2001#
		.CellState(.ItemByIndex(1),0) = 1
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show the non-working pattern over the bars

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.NonworkingDaysPattern = 6
		.NonworkingDaysColor = RGB(0,0,0)
		.PaneWidth(0) = 40
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
		.HistogramVisible = True
		.HistogramHeight = 64
		.HistogramView = 2160 ' HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramBackground Or HistogramViewEnum.exHistogramAllItems
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Bars
			With .Add("Empty")
				.Color = RGB(0,0,0)
				.Pattern = 5
				.Shape = 17
			End With
			With .Add("Task:Empty")
				.Shortcut = "Task"
				.HistogramItems = -5
				.HistogramCriticalValue = 3
				.HistogramType = 0
				.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
				.Def(3) = "<%=%258%> working days bar"
				.Def(4) = 18
				.Def(20) = True
			End With
		End With
		.UnitWidthNonworking = -12
		.Level(1).FormatLabel = "weekday(dvalue) in (0,6) ? `` : value"
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task A"),"Task",#6/23/2005#,#6/29/2005#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task B"),"Task",#6/24/2005#,#6/28/2005#,""
	End With
End With
I'm showing values from a ado recordset from sql 2005. When I try to edit a column with integers, it just skips back to the original numbers after pressing enter..., why
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub G2antt1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddBar Item,"Task",.CellValue(Item,2),.CellValue(Item,4)
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - Fired when an internal error occurs.
Private Sub G2antt1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( Error )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #8/3/1994#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 256
		.LevelCount = 2
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.FirstWeekDay = 1
		.OverviewVisible = 2
	End With
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
	With rs
		.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",1,1
	End With
	.DataSource = rs
	.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
	.Columns.Item(2).Def(18) = 1
	.Columns.Item(4).Def(18) = 2
End With
Is it possible to reduce the non-working parts of the control

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 40
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
		.HistogramVisible = True
		.HistogramHeight = 64
		.HistogramView = 112
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.HistogramType = 1
			.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
		End With
		.UnitWidthNonworking = -8
		.Level(1).FormatLabel = "weekday(dvalue) in (0,6) ? `` : value"
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task A")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/23/2005#,#6/29/2005#,"","4 working days bar"
		.ItemBar(h,"",10) = False
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"",21) = 4
		.ItemBar(h,"",20) = True
		h = .AddItem("Task B")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/28/2005#,#6/30/2005#,"","2 working days bar"
		.ItemBar(h,"",10) = False
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"",21) = 2
		.ItemBar(h,"",20) = True
	End With
End With
I don't want to see the "schedule"/show "workload" in non-working days part of the histogram

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 40
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
		.HistogramVisible = True
		.HistogramHeight = 64
		.HistogramView = 112
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.HistogramType = 1
			.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
		End With
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.ShowNonworkingUnits = False
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task A")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/23/2005#,#6/29/2005#,"","4 working days bar"
		.ItemBar(h,"",10) = False
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"",21) = 4
		.ItemBar(h,"",20) = True
		h = .AddItem("Task B")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/28/2005#,#6/30/2005#,"","2 working days bar"
		.ItemBar(h,"",10) = False
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"",21) = 2
		.ItemBar(h,"",20) = True
	End With
End With
The control shows, and handles non-working days PERFECT, but how is it possible to reflect this in the Histogram. I don't want to "schedule"/show "workload" in non-working days...

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 40
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
		.HistogramVisible = True
		.HistogramHeight = 64
		.HistogramView = 112
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.HistogramType = 1
			.HistogramPattern = .Pattern ' .Pattern
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task A")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/23/2005#,#6/29/2005#,"","4 working days bar"
		.ItemBar(h,"",10) = False
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"",21) = 4
		.ItemBar(h,"",20) = True
		h = .AddItem("Task B")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/28/2005#,#6/30/2005#,"","2 working days bar"
		.ItemBar(h,"",10) = False
		.ItemBar(h,"",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"",21) = 2
		.ItemBar(h,"",20) = True
	End With
End With
When I do select the button in the overview-zoom I want the scaling to change accordingly. Can I set different scales per selected zoom level

' OverviewZoom event - Occurs once the user selects a new time scale unit in the overview zoom area.
Private Sub G2antt1_OverviewZoom()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.UnitScale )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.OverviewVisible = 2
		.AllowOverviewZoom = 1
		.Label(16777216) = ""
		.Label(0) = ""
	End With
End With
How do I display Icons instead of text in the overview zoom area

With G2antt1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Chart
		.OverviewVisible = 2
		.AllowOverviewZoom = 1
		.Label(16777216) = ""
		.Label(0) = ""
		Debug.Print( .OverviewZoomCaption )
		.OverviewZoomCaption = "Year|½Year|¼Year|Month|Third|<img>1</img>|Day|Hour|Min|Sec"
	End With
End With
How do I get it to only display Min, Hour, Day, Week , Month, ie remove Sec and Year in the overview area
With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.OverviewVisible = 2
		.AllowOverviewZoom = 1
		.Label(16777216) = ""
		.Label(0) = ""
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show quarter hours markers

With G2antt1
	.GridLineColor = RGB(0,0,0)
	.HeaderHeight = 20
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.UnitScale = 65536
		With .Level(0)
			.Alignment = 16
			.Label = "<%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <b><%d%></b>, <%yyyy%>"
			.DrawTickLines = 2
		End With
		With .Level(1)
			.Label = "<%hh%>:00"
			.BackColor = &H3000000
			.DrawTickLines = 2
		End With
		.DrawLevelSeparator = 2
		.UnitWidth = 64
		.ResizeUnitScale = 1048576
		.ResizeUnitCount = 15
	End With
End With
How can I ensure or always show the labels on the chart part, when scrolling the chart to left or right
With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.UnitWidth = 48
		.UnitScale = 65536
		With .Level(0)
			.Alignment = 17 ' AlignmentEnum.exHOutside Or AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment
			.Label = "<%dddd%>, <%mmmm%> <b><%d%></b>, <%yyyy%>"
		End With
		.Level(1).Label = "<%hh%>:00"
	End With
End With
I associate the Start and End columns with bars, but some of them are not shown. What am I doing wrong
With G2antt1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/25/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 128
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Start")
		.Def(18) = 1
		.Def(19) = "K1"
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("End")
		.Def(18) = 2
		.Def(19) = "K1"
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem(),"Task",#1/1/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem(),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem(),"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"????","????"
	End With
End With
How can I implement OLE Drag and Drop operation
' OLEStartDrag event - Occurs when the OLEDrag method is called.
Private Sub G2antt1_OLEStartDrag(ByVal Data As Object,AllowedEffects As Long)
	' Data.SetData("your data to drag")
	With G2antt1
		AllowedEffects = 2
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.AddItem "Item 1"
		.AddItem "Item 2"
		.AddItem "Item 3"
		.AddItem "Item 4"
		.AddItem "Item 5"
	End With
	.OLEDropMode = 1
End With
I can not associate the bar's start and end properties with my start/end columns, only if the bar's key is empty or null. What can I do

' ButtonClick event - Occurs when user clicks on the cell's button.
Private Sub G2antt1_ButtonClick(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		With .Columns
			.Item("Tasks").Def(19) = "B"
			.Item("Start").Def(19) = "B"
			.Item("End").Def(19) = "B"
		End With
		With .Items
			.CellValue(Item,1) = "B"
			.ItemBar(0,"B",33) = 0
			.ItemBar(0,"A",33) = 16775408
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Columns
		With .Add("Tasks")
			.Width = 32
			.Def(18) = 3
			.Def(19) = "A"
		End With
		With .Add("Start")
			.Def(18) = 1
			.Def(19) = "A"
			.Editor.EditType = 7
		End With
		With .Add("End")
			.Def(18) = 2
			.Def(19) = "A"
			.Editor.EditType = 7
		End With
	End With
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.AllowLinkBars = True
		.AllowCreateBar = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 196
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.Pattern = 6
			.OverlaidType = 515 ' OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStackAutoArrange Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStack
			.Overlaid(256) = 80
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		.LockedItemCount(0) = 1
		h = .LockedItem(0,0)
		.CellValue(h,0) = "Select"
		.CellHasButton(h,0) = True
		.CellMerge(h,1) = 2
		.CellValue(h,1) = "A"
		.CellEditor(h,1).EditType = 1
	End With
	With .Items
		.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#,"A","A"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#9/25/2006#,#9/28/2006#,"B","B"
		.ItemBar(h,"B",33) = 16775408
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#9/22/2006#,#9/25/2006#,"A","A"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#9/26/2006#,#9/29/2006#,"B","B"
		.ItemBar(h,"B",33) = 16775408
	End With
End With
How can I determine the order of the events
' AddLink event - Occurs when the user links two bars using the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_AddLink(ByVal LinkKey As String)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "AddLink" )
		Debug.Print( LinkKey )
	End With
End Sub

' AfterExpandItem event - Fired after an item is expanded (collapsed).
Private Sub G2antt1_AfterExpandItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "AfterExpandItem" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
	End With
End Sub

' AllowLink event - Notifies at runtime when a link between two bars is possible.
Private Sub G2antt1_AllowLink(ByVal StartItem As Long,ByVal StartBarKey As Variant,ByVal EndItem As Long,ByVal EndBarKey As Variant,LinkKey As Variant,Cancel As Boolean)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "AllowLink" )
		Debug.Print( StartItem )
		Debug.Print( StartBarKey )
		Debug.Print( EndItem )
		Debug.Print( EndBarKey )
		Debug.Print( LinkKey )
	End With
End Sub

' AnchorClick event - Occurs when an anchor element is clicked.
Private Sub G2antt1_AnchorClick(ByVal AnchorID As String,ByVal Options As String)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "AnchorClick" )
		Debug.Print( AnchorID )
		Debug.Print( Options )
	End With
End Sub

' BarParentChange event - Occurs just before moving a bar from current item to another item.
Private Sub G2antt1_BarParentChange(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal Key As Variant,ByVal NewItem As Long,Cancel As Boolean)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "BarParentChange" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( Key )
		Debug.Print( NewItem )
	End With
End Sub

' BarResize event - Occurs when a bar is moved or resized.
Private Sub G2antt1_BarResize(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "BarResize" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( Key )
	End With
End Sub

' BarResizing event - Occurs when a bar is moving or resizing.
Private Sub G2antt1_BarResizing(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "BarResizing" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( Key )
	End With
End Sub

' BeforeExpandItem event - Fired before an item is about to be expanded (collapsed).
Private Sub G2antt1_BeforeExpandItem(ByVal Item As Long,Cancel As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "BeforeExpandItem" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
	End With
End Sub

' ButtonClick event - Occurs when user clicks on the cell's button.
Private Sub G2antt1_ButtonClick(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "ButtonClick" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( ColIndex )
		Debug.Print( Key )
	End With
End Sub

' CellImageClick event - Fired after the user clicks on the image's cell area.
Private Sub G2antt1_CellImageClick(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "CellImageClick" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( ColIndex )
	End With
End Sub

' CellStateChanged event - Fired after cell's state has been changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_CellStateChanged(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "CellStateChanged" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( ColIndex )
	End With
End Sub

' Change event - Occurs when the user changes the cell's content.
Private Sub G2antt1_Change(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long,NewValue As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "Change" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( ColIndex )
		Debug.Print( NewValue )
	End With
End Sub

' ChartEndChanging event - Occurs after the chart has been changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_ChartEndChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "ChartEndChanging" )
		Debug.Print( Operation )
	End With
End Sub

' ChartSelectionChanged event - Occurs when the user selects objects in the chart area.
Private Sub G2antt1_ChartSelectionChanged()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "ChartSelectionChanged" )
	End With
End Sub

' ChartStartChanging event - Occurs when the chart is about to be changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_ChartStartChanging(ByVal Operation As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "ChartStartChanging" )
		Debug.Print( Operation )
	End With
End Sub

' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the tree control.
Private Sub G2antt1_Click()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "Click" )
	End With
End Sub

' ColumnClick event - Fired after the user clicks on column's header.
Private Sub G2antt1_ColumnClick(ByVal Column As Object)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "ColumnClick" )
	End With
End Sub

' CreateBar event - Fired when the user creates a new bar.
Private Sub G2antt1_CreateBar(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal DateStart As Date,ByVal DateEnd As Date)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "CreateBar" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( DateStart )
		Debug.Print( DateEnd )
	End With
End Sub

' DateChange event - Occurs when the first visible date is changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_DateChange()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "DateChange" )
	End With
End Sub

' DblClick event - Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object.
Private Sub G2antt1_DblClick(ByVal Shift As Integer,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "DblClick" )
		Debug.Print( Shift )
		Debug.Print( X )
		Debug.Print( Y )
	End With
End Sub

' Edit event - Occurs just before editing the focused cell.
Private Sub G2antt1_Edit(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long,Cancel As Boolean)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "Edit" )
		Debug.Print( Item )
		Debug.Print( ColIndex )
	End With
End Sub

' EditClose event - Occurs when the edit operation ends.
Private Sub G2antt1_EditClose()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "EditClose" )
	End With
End Sub

' EditOpen event - Occurs when the edit operation starts.
Private Sub G2antt1_EditOpen()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "EditOpen" )
	End With
End Sub

' FilterChange event - Occurs when the filter was changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_FilterChange()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "FilterChange" )
	End With
End Sub

' FilterChanging event - Notifies your application that the filter is about to change.
Private Sub G2antt1_FilterChanging()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "FilterChanging" )
	End With
End Sub

' FocusChanged event - Occurs when a cell gets the focus.
Private Sub G2antt1_FocusChanged()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "FocusChanged" )
	End With
End Sub

' InsideZoom event - Notifies your application that a date is about to be magnified.
Private Sub G2antt1_InsideZoom(ByVal DateTime As Date)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "InsideZoom" )
		Debug.Print( DateTime )
	End With
End Sub

' KeyDown event - Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.
Private Sub G2antt1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer,ByVal Shift As Integer)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "KeyDown" )
		Debug.Print( KeyCode )
		Debug.Print( Shift )
	End With
End Sub

' KeyPress event - Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.
Private Sub G2antt1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "KeyPress" )
		Debug.Print( KeyAscii )
	End With
End Sub

' KeyUp event - Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.
Private Sub G2antt1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer,ByVal Shift As Integer)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "KeyUp" )
		Debug.Print( KeyCode )
		Debug.Print( Shift )
	End With
End Sub

' LayoutChanged event - Occurs when column's position or column's size is changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_LayoutChanged()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "LayoutChanged" )
	End With
End Sub

' MouseDown event - Occurs when the user presses a mouse button.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer,ByVal Shift As Integer,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "MouseDown" )
		Debug.Print( Button )
		Debug.Print( Shift )
		Debug.Print( X )
		Debug.Print( Y )
	End With
End Sub

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer,ByVal Shift As Integer,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long)
End Sub

' MouseUp event - Occurs when the user releases a mouse button.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer,ByVal Shift As Integer,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "MouseUp" )
		Debug.Print( Button )
		Debug.Print( Shift )
		Debug.Print( X )
		Debug.Print( Y )
	End With
End Sub

' OffsetChanged event - Occurs when the scroll position has been changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_OffsetChanged(ByVal Horizontal As Boolean,ByVal NewVal As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "OffsetChanged" )
		Debug.Print( Horizontal )
		Debug.Print( NewVal )
	End With
End Sub

' OversizeChanged event - Occurs when the right range of the scroll has been changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_OversizeChanged(ByVal Horizontal As Boolean,ByVal NewVal As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "OversizeChanged" )
		Debug.Print( Horizontal )
		Debug.Print( NewVal )
	End With
End Sub

' OverviewZoom event - Occurs once the user selects a new time scale unit in the overview zoom area.
Private Sub G2antt1_OverviewZoom()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "OverviewZoom" )
	End With
End Sub

' RClick event - Fired when right mouse button is clicked
Private Sub G2antt1_RClick()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "RClick" )
	End With
End Sub

' ScrollButtonClick event - Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
Private Sub G2antt1_ScrollButtonClick(ByVal ScrollBar As Long,ByVal ScrollPart As Long)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "ScrollButtonClick" )
		Debug.Print( ScrollBar )
		Debug.Print( ScrollPart )
	End With
End Sub

' SelectionChanged event - Fired after a new item has been selected.
Private Sub G2antt1_SelectionChanged()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "SelectionChanged" )
	End With
End Sub

' Sort event - Fired when the control sorts a column.
Private Sub G2antt1_Sort()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "Sort" )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.DrawGridLines = -1
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	.GridLineStyle = 4
	.AutoEdit = False
	.ExpandOnDblClick = False
	With .Chart
		.AllowInsideZoom = True
		.OverviewVisible = 2
		.AllowOverviewZoom = 1
		.PaneWidth(0) = 128
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.GridLineStyle = 36 ' GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesVSolid Or GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesHDash
		.LevelCount = 2
		.Level(0).DrawGridLines = True
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = 1
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.Label(16777216) = ""
		.Label(1048576) = ""
		.Label(65536) = ""
	End With
	With .Columns
		With .Add("Column")
			.DisplayFilterButton = True
			.Def(0) = True
			.Editor.EditType = 1
		End With
		With .Add("Button")
			.AllowSizing = False
			.Width = 18
			.Def(2) = True
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("parent")
		.CellImage(h,0) = 1
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A","<a>A</a>"
		.ItemBar(h,"A",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"A",28) = True
		.ItemBar(h,"A",6) = "This is a bit of text that should be shown when cursor hovers the bar"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/15/2001#,"B","<a>B</a>"
		.ItemBar(h,"B",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"B",28) = True
		.InsertItem h,"","child"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
End With
How can I change the chart's horizontal grid lines
With G2antt1
	.DrawGridLines = -1
	.GridLineStyle = 4
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.DrawGridLines = -1
		.GridLineStyle = 36 ' GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesVSolid Or GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesHDash
		.LevelCount = 2
		.Level(0).DrawGridLines = True
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = 1
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Item 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/15/2001#,"B"
	End With
End With
Is there any way to determine whether the ADO operations fails
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub G2antt1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddBar Item,"Task",.CellValue(Item,2),.CellValue(Item,4)
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' Error event - Fired when an internal error occurs.
Private Sub G2antt1_Error(ByVal Error As Long,ByVal Description As String)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( Error )
		Debug.Print( Description )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #8/3/1994#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 256
		.LevelCount = 2
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.FirstWeekDay = 1
		.OverviewVisible = 2
	End With
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
	With rs
		.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",1,1
	End With
	.DataSource = rs
	.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
	.Columns.Item(2).Def(18) = 1
	.Columns.Item(4).Def(18) = 2
End With
Is it possible to select a column instead sorting it
' ColumnClick event - Fired after the user clicks on column's header.
Private Sub G2antt1_ColumnClick(ByVal Column As Object)
	' Column.Selected = True
	With G2antt1
		.Columns.Item(0).Selected = False
		.Columns.Item(1).Selected = False
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	.SingleSel = False
	.FullRowSelect = 1
	.SortOnClick = 0
	With .Columns
		.Add "Column1"
		.Add "Column2"
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem("One"),1) = "Three"
		.CellValue(.AddItem("Two"),1) = "Four"
	End With
End With
I am using the exRectSel, and clicking the first column, has no effect, instead if I click other it works as it should
With G2antt1
	.SearchColumnIndex = -1
	.FullRowSelect = 1
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add "Column1"
		.Add "Column2"
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem(1),1) = 2
		.CellValue(.AddItem(3),1) = 4
		.CellValue(.AddItem(5),1) = 6
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display empty strings for 0 values
With G2antt1
	With .Columns.Add("Currency")
		.FormatColumn = "dbl(value) ? currency(dbl(value)) : ``"
		With .Editor
			.EditType = 1
			.Numeric = 1
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem 1.23
		.AddItem 2.34
		.AddItem 0
		.AddItem 10000.99
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display empty strings for 0 values
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Number"
	.Columns.Add("Currency").ComputedField = "%0 ? currency(%0) : ``"
	With .Items
		.AddItem 1.23
		.AddItem 2.34
		.AddItem 0
		.AddItem 10000.99
	End With
End With
How can I hide a date from the chart view, when I display hours instead days

With G2antt1
	.HeaderHeight = 32
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/8/2011#
		.AdjustLevelsToBase = True
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.AllowInsideZoom = True
		With .Level(0)
			.Alignment = 1
			.Label = "<b><%d%>-<%mmm%>-<%yyyy%>"
			.Unit = 4096
		End With
		With .Level(1)
			.Label = "<%h%>"
			.Count = 8
			.Unit = 65536
			.FormatLabel = "date(int(dvalue)) case (#06/08/2011# : (int(value) case ( 0 : 'Shift <b>1</b><br>23/20'; 8 : 'Shift <b>2</b><br>38/30' ; 16 : '" & _
"Shift <b>3</b><br>24/24' ) ) ; #06/09/2011# : (int(value) case ( 0 : 'Shift <b>1</b><br>15/20'; 8 : 'Shift <b>2</b><br>30/32' ; " & _
"16 : 'Shift <b>3</b><br>26/24' ) ) )"
		End With
		.UnitWidth = 64
		.NonworkingDays = 0
		.AllowInsideZoom = True
		.DefaultInsideZoomFormat.InsideUnit = 1048576
		.AllowResizeInsideZoom = False
		.InsideZoomOnDblClick = False
		With .InsideZooms
			.SplitBaseLevel = False
			.DefaultWidth = 0
		End With
		With .InsideZooms
			.Add #6/9/2011 8:00:00 AM#
			.Add #6/9/2011 4:00:00 PM#
		End With
	End With
End With
I’ve created a skin (EBN) for the bars of my chart, with rounded top corners. The problem, is that these rounded corners are applied also at beginning and the end of the non working units. Is it possible to show a different picture/skin for the non-working part of the bars

With G2antt1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.VisualAppearance.Add 2,"c:\exontrol\images\pushed.ebn"
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 128
	With .Chart.Bars
		.Item("Task").Color = &H1000000
		.Item("Split").Color = &H2000000
		.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "TS"
	End With
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task"),"TS",#1/2/2001#,#1/16/2001#
	End With
End With
How do I display the names of the tasks on bars but not in the middle of the bar (left or right)

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/27/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.Pattern = 2
			.Height = 15
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K1","<b>to do</b> "
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",4) = 2
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K2","<b>to do</b>"
		.ItemBar(h,"K2",4) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Task 3")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K1"," <b>to do</b>"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",4) = 0
		h = .AddItem("Task 4")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K2","<b>to do</b>"
		.ItemBar(h,"K2",4) = 16
	End With
End With
How can I get the list of items as they are displayed
With G2antt1
	.BackColorAlternate = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Columns.Add "Names"
	With .Items
		.AddItem "Mantel"
		.AddItem "Mechanik"
		.AddItem "Motor"
		.AddItem "Murks"
		.AddItem "Märchen"
		.AddItem "Möhren"
		.AddItem "Mühle"
	End With
	.Columns.Item(0).SortOrder = 1
	Debug.Print( .GetItems(1) )
End With
How can I disable the left and right arrows to move to next cell while editing
With G2antt1
	Set var_Editor = .Columns.Add("Edit").Editor
	With var_Editor
		.EditType = 1
		.Option(20) = 0
		.Option(21) = 0
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem "Cell 1"
		.AddItem "Cell 2"
		.AddItem "Cell 3"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to define a bar that is treated as a non-working hour so user can move it at runtime

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowNonworkingBars = True
		.Bars.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "Task"
		.UnitScale = 65536
		.Level(1).Label = "<font ;4><%hh%>"
		.UnitWidth = 12
		.NonworkingDaysPattern = 6
		.NonworkingDays = 0
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Machine")
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "0"
		.AddBar h,"",#1/1/2001 9:00:00 AM#,#1/1/2001 11:00:00 AM#,"A","pause"
		.ItemBar(h,"A",38) = True
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/1/2001 0:00:00 PM#,#1/1/2001 5:00:00 PM#,"Z"
		.ItemBar(h,"Z",20) = True
	End With
End With
Is it possible to customize the chart's header so I can display shift and other values

With G2antt1
	.HeaderHeight = 32
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/8/2011#
		.AdjustLevelsToBase = True
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Level(0)
			.Alignment = 1
			.Label = "<b><%d%> - <%mmmm%> - <%yyyy%>"
			.Unit = 4096
		End With
		With .Level(1)
			.Label = "<%h%>"
			.Count = 8
			.Unit = 65536
			.FormatLabel = "date(int(dvalue)) case (#06/08/2011# : (int(value) case ( 0 : 'Shift <b>1</b><br>23/20'; 8 : 'Shift <b>2</b><br>38/30' ; 16 : '" & _
"Shift <b>3</b><br>24/24' ) ) ; #06/09/2011# : (int(value) case ( 0 : 'Shift <b>1</b><br>15/20'; 8 : 'Shift <b>2</b><br>30/32' ; " & _
"16 : 'Shift <b>3</b><br>26/24' ) ) )"
		End With
		.UnitWidth = 64
		.NonworkingDays = 0
	End With
End With
How can I change both start and end dates of the bar
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 64
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/19/2005#
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Test")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/22/2005#,#6/27/2005#,"t1"
		.AddBar h,.ItemBar(h,"t1",0),#6/21/2005#,#6/22/2005#,"t1"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to add new rows, as I type like in Excel
' EditClose event - Occurs when the edit operation ends.
Private Sub G2antt1_EditClose()
	With G2antt1
		.Items.AddItem ""
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.AutoEdit = True
	.Columns.Add("Default").Editor.EditType = 1
	.FullRowSelect = 0
	.Items.AddItem ""
	.DrawGridLines = -1
	.ScrollBars = 15
End With
How do I load bars from my table/database
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub G2antt1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddBar Item,"Task",.CellValue(Item,2),.CellValue(Item,4)
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #8/3/1994#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 256
		.LevelCount = 2
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.FirstWeekDay = 1
		.OverviewVisible = 2
	End With
	.ColumnAutoResize = False
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	Set rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
	With rs
		.Open "Orders","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExG2antt\Sample\Access\misc.accdb",3,3
	End With
	.DataSource = rs
	.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
	.Columns.Item(2).Def(18) = 1
	.Columns.Item(4).Def(18) = 2
End With
Is posible to reduce the size of the picture to be shown in the bar's caption

With G2antt1
	.HTMLPicture("pic1") = "c:\exontrol\images\zipdisk.gif"
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 78
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Default-Size")
		.ItemHeight(h) = 48
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1","<img>pic1</img>"
		h = .AddItem("Custom-Size")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K2","<img>pic1:18</img>"
	End With
End With
Is posible to reduce the size of the picture to be shown in the column's caption
With G2antt1
	.HTMLPicture("pic1") = "c:\exontrol\images\zipdisk.gif"
	.HeaderHeight = 48
	.Columns.Add("DefaultSize").HTMLCaption = "Default-Size <img>pic1</img> Picture"
	.Columns.Add("CustomSize").HTMLCaption = "Custom-Size <img>pic1:16</img> Picture"
End With
Is it possible to display the selected dates using a solid color instead vertical lines

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2008#
		.MarkTodayColor = .BackColor
		.LevelCount = 2
		.MarkSelectDateColor = &H7fcbc0ff
		.SelectLevel = 1
		.SelectDate(#1/8/2008#) = True
		.SelectDate(#1/9/2008#) = True
		.SelectDate(#1/10/2008#) = True
	End With
	.DefaultItemHeight = 72
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem(""),"",#1/7/2008#,#1/12/2008#,"","<b>MarkSelectDateColor(32)</b><br>should be <font ;11><i>0x7F000000 + RGB(rr,gg,bb)</i></font><br> or in the format as: <font ;" & _
"11><i>0x7FBBGGRR</i></font>, <br>where BB is the hexa value for Blue, <br>GG for grean and so on."
	End With
End With
How can I show the cells using a different background color based on the condition I have
With G2antt1
	.SelBackMode = 1
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	With .ConditionalFormats
		With .Add("dbl(%1)-dbl(%0) = 1")
			.BackColor = RGB(255,0,0)
			.ApplyTo = 1 ' &H1
		End With
		With .Add("dbl(%0)-dbl(%1) = 3")
			.BackColor = RGB(255,255,0)
			.ApplyTo = 0
		End With
		With .Add("dbl(%1)-dbl(%0) = 4")
			.ForeColor = RGB(128,128,128)
			.Bold = True
			.ApplyTo = -1
		End With
	End With
	With .Columns
		.Add("C1").Width = 8
		.Add("C2").Width = 8
		.Add ""
	End With
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem(2),1) = 3
		.CellValue(.AddItem(5),1) = 2
		.CellValue(.AddItem(5),1) = 6
		.CellValue(.AddItem(2),1) = 6
	End With
End With
How can I specify the frame's color for all Task bars

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		.Bars.Item("Task").Def(51) = 255
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K2"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 3"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K3"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the bar's frame color

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 25
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		.DrawGridLines = 1
		.NonworkingDays = 0
		.Bars.Item("Task").Height = 15
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Default")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
		h = .AddItem("Red-Frame")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 255
		h = .AddItem("Green-ThickFrame")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",42) = 4099
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 32768
		h = .AddItem("Red-ThickFrame/Shadow")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",42) = 12291
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 255
	End With
End With
I need to customize the labels on the chart. Is it possible

With G2antt1
	.HeaderHeight = 32
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #7/1/2011#
		.AdjustLevelsToBase = True
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Level(0)
			.Alignment = 1
			.Label = "<b><%d%> - <%mmmm%> - <%yyyy%>"
			.Unit = 4096
		End With
		With .Level(1)
			.Label = "<%h%>"
			.Count = 8
			.Unit = 65536
			.FormatLabel = "int(value) case ( 0 : 'Shift <b>1</b><br><font ;11>' + yearday(dvalue) + '</font>/365 ' ; 8 : 'Shift <b>2</b><br>' + weekday(dv" & _
"alue) + '/20'; 16 : 'Shift <b>3</b><br>' + (weekday(dvalue) case ( 0 : '12/22'; 1 : '12/23'; 2 : '2/3'; 3 : '12/13'; 4 : '22/34'" & _
" ; 5 : '102-<fgcolor=FF0000><b>31</b></bgcolor>'; 6 : '1/1' ) )  ) "
		End With
		.UnitWidth = 64
		.NonworkingDays = 0
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show a frame around the bar

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 25
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 2,"CP:1 2 2 -2 -2"
		.Add 3,"CP:1 -5 -5 5 5"
		.Add 4,"XP:Window 19 1"
		.Add 5,"XP:TreeView 2 1"
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 128
		.DrawGridLines = 1
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Default")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
		h = .AddItem("Red-Frame")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 255
		h = .AddItem("Green-ThickFrame")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",42) = 4099
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 32768
		h = .AddItem("Red-ThickFrame/Shadow")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",42) = 12291
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",51) = 255
		h = .AddItem("EBN-Frame-Border")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/9/2001#,"K2"
		.ItemBar(h,"K2",51) = 16777216
		h = .AddItem("EBN-Inside Frame")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/9/2001#,#1/13/2001#,"K3"
		.ItemBar(h,"K3",51) = 33554432
		h = .AddItem("EBN-Outside Frame")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/15/2001#,#1/18/2001#,"K4"
		.ItemBar(h,"K4",51) = 50331648
		h = .AddItem("EBN-XP Close Button")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/15/2001#,#1/18/2001#,"K5"
		.ItemBar(h,"K5",51) = 67108864
		h = .AddItem("EBN-XP TreeView Glyph")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/15/2001#,#1/18/2001#,"K6"
		.ItemBar(h,"K6",51) = 83886080
	End With
End With
Currently your control, provides customization up to Year,Month,Day,Hours,etc. I would like to add Shifts in a day. Shortly, I need to customize the chart's header. Is it possible

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #7/1/2011#
		.AdjustLevelsToBase = True
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Level(0)
			.Alignment = 1
			.Label = "<b><%d%> - <%mmmm%> - <%yyyy%>"
			.Unit = 4096
		End With
		With .Level(1)
			.Label = "<%h%>"
			.Count = 8
			.Unit = 65536
			.ReplaceLabel(0) = " Shift 1"
			.ReplaceLabel(8) = " Shift 2"
			.ReplaceLabel(16) = " Shift 3"
		End With
		.UnitWidth = 48
		.NonworkingDays = 0
	End With
End With
The exbartootip shows dates after you moved or resized the bar. My question is during the move or resizing of bar(you click on bar and drag it,during that time) , can we display the new dates simultaneously so we will know where we want to move or resize the bar to

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.DrawDateTicker = True
		.DateTickerLabel = "<%mmm%> <%d%><br><b><%yyyy%>"
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Tasks A")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/9/2001#,"K2"
		.SelectableItem(.AddItem()) = False
		h = .AddItem("Tasks B")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/11/2001#,"K2"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to assign a tooltip automatically to all bars, so it can display the start and end, without specifying the IexBarToolTip for each bar
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.Bars.Item("Task").Def(6) = "<b><%=%9 + '/' + %C0%></b><br><upline><dotline>Start: <%=%1%><br>End: <%=%2%><br>Duration: <%=(%2-%1)%><br>Working: <%=%258%>"
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Tasks A")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/9/2001#,"K2"
		h = .AddItem("Tasks B")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/11/2001#,"K2"
	End With
End With
How can I change the color, font, bold etc for the items/cells in the same column or for the entire column
With G2antt1
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1")
		.Bold = True
		.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = 1 ' &H1
	End With
	.Columns.Add "C1"
	With .Columns.Add("C2")
		.HeaderBold = True
		.HTMLCaption = "<fgcolor=FF0000>C2"
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem(10),1) = 11
		.CellValue(.AddItem(12),1) = 13
	End With
End With
How can I remove a date-time zone

' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the tree control.
Private Sub G2antt1_Click()
	With G2antt1
		.Chart.RemoveTimeZone "Z1"
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 18
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2010#
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/4/2010#,#1/8/2010#,16744544
	End With
End With
How can I filter the check-boxes (method 2)
With G2antt1
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		With .Editor
			.EditType = 19
			.Option(17) = 1
		End With
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.CustomFilter = "checked||-1|||unchecked||0"
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem True
		.AddItem True
		.AddItem False
		.AddItem True
		.AddItem False
		.AddItem True
		.AddItem False
	End With
End With
How can I filter the check-boxes (method 1)
With G2antt1
	With .Columns.Add("Check")
		With .Editor
			.EditType = 19
			.Option(17) = 1
		End With
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterType = 6
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem True
		.AddItem True
		.AddItem False
		.AddItem True
		.AddItem False
		.AddItem True
		.AddItem False
	End With
End With
How can add a button to control

' ButtonClick event - Occurs when user clicks on the cell's button.
Private Sub G2antt1_ButtonClick(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "ButtonClick" )
		Debug.Print( .Items.CellCaption(Item,ColIndex) )
		Debug.Print( Key )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 22
	.HeaderHeight = 22
	.Appearance = 0
	.DrawGridLines = -2
	.ScrollBySingleLine = False
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.HTMLPicture("pic1") = "c:\exontrol\images\auction.gif"
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	With .Columns
		With .Add("Type")
			.Width = 48
			.Def(17) = 1
		End With
		With .Add("Appearance")
			.Def(17) = 1
			.Alignment = 1
			.HeaderAlignment = 1
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Items.<b>CellHasButton</b> property")
		.CellValue(h,1) = "Button <b>1</b>"
		.CellHasButton(h,1) = True
		h = .AddItem("Items.<b>CellButtonAutoWidth</b> property")
		.CellValue(h,1) = " Button <b>2</b> "
		.CellHasButton(h,1) = True
		.CellButtonAutoWidth(h,1) = True
		h = .AddItem("Items.<b>CellHasButton</b> property")
		.CellValue(h,1) = " <img>2</img>Button <b>3</b> "
		.CellHasButton(h,1) = True
		.CellButtonAutoWidth(h,1) = True
		h = .AddItem("Items.<b>CellHasButton</b> property")
		.ItemHeight(h) = 32
		.CellValue(h,1) = " <img>2</img>Button <b>4</b> <img>pic1</img> "
		.CellHasButton(h,1) = True
		.CellButtonAutoWidth(h,1) = True
		h = .AddItem("Items.<b>CellHasButton</b> in splitted cells")
		.CellValue(h,1) = " Button <b>5.1</b> "
		.CellHasButton(h,1) = True
		.CellButtonAutoWidth(h,1) = True
		s = .SplitCell(h,1)
		.CellValue(0,s) = " Button <b>5.2</b> "
		.CellHasButton(0,s) = True
		.CellButtonAutoWidth(0,s) = True
		h = .AddItem("Column.<b>Editor</b>, Items.<b>CellEditor</b>")
		.CellValue(h,1) = "Visible when clicking the cell"
		With .CellEditor(h,1)
			.EditType = 1
			.AddButton "B1",1,0,"This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the button B1"
			.AddButton "B3",2,1,"This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the button B3"
			.AddButton "B4",1,1,"This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the button B4"
			.ButtonWidth = 24
		End With
		h = .AddItem("Column.<b>Editor</b>, Items.<b>CellEditor</b>")
		.CellValue(h,1) = 3
		With .CellEditor(h,1)
			.EditType = 6
			.AddItem 1,"Flag 1"
			.AddItem 2,"Flag 2"
			.AddItem 4,"Flag 4"
			.AddItem 8,"Flag 8"
			.AddButton "C1",1,0,"This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the button C1"
			.AddButton "C3",2,0,"This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the button C2"
			.AddButton "C4",1,0,"This is a bit of text that's shown when the cursor hovers the button C3"
			.ButtonWidth = 24
		End With
	End With
End With
Is it posible to store additional values against each item, cell, bar, link, such as custom values such string / numbers etc
With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 96
	End With
	.Columns.Add("Column").Data = "Extra_Data_Column"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Item 1")
		.ItemData(h) = "Extra_Data_Item 1"
		.CellData(h,0) = "Extra_Data_Item 1_Cell_0"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"B1"
		.ItemBar(h,"B1",17) = "Extra_B1_Data"
		h = .AddItem("Item 2")
		.ItemData(h) = "Extra_Data_Item 2"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/6/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"B2"
		.ItemBar(h,"B2",17) = "Extra_B2_Data"
		.AddLink "L1",.FindItem("Item 1",0),"B1",.FindItem("Item 2",0),"B2"
		.Link("L1",5) = "Extra_Link_Data"
	End With
End With
How do I set the parent item to show the total number of days for its children and also the minimum and maximum dates for its children

With G2antt1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.Indent = 11
	.HasLines = 1
	.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
	With .Columns
		.Add "Tasks"
		.Add("Start").Def(18) = 1
		.Add("End").Def(18) = 2
		.Add("Duration").Def(18) = 513
	End With
	With .Chart
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 220
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Project")
		.AddBar h,"Summary",#9/21/2006#,#10/3/2006#
		h1 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#
		h2 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#9/24/2006#,#9/28/2006#
		h3 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 3")
		.AddBar h3,"Task",#9/28/2006#,#10/3/2006#
		.DefineSummaryBars h,"",h1,""
		.DefineSummaryBars h,"",h2,""
		.DefineSummaryBars h,"",h3,""
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		.ItemBold(h) = True
	End With
End With
Is it possible to specify the distance between 2 bars to be at least 2 working days

' BarResizing event - Occurs when a bar is moving or resizing.
Private Sub G2antt1_BarResizing(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		.Items.SchedulePDM Item,Key
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 24
	.AntiAliasing = True
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		With .Bars.Add("Task:Split")
			.Shortcut = "Task"
			.Color = RGB(0,0,0)
			.Height = 17
			.Pattern = 8192
		End With
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/3/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.LinksWidth = 2
		.AllowCreateBar = 0
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.FirstWeekDay = 1
		.NonworkingDaysPattern = 6
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h1,"K1",20) = True
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K2"
		.ItemBar(h2,"K2",20) = True
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
		.Link("L1",15) = -1
		.Link("L1",8) = 8421504
		h3 = .AddItem("Task 3")
		.AddBar h3,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K3"
		.ItemBar(h3,"K3",20) = True
		.AddLink "L2",h2,"K2",h3,"K3"
		.Link("L2",12) = "<br><br><br><br>This link <u>delays</u> the bars<br>with <b>2</b> working days"
		.Link("L2",16) = 2
		.Link("L2",15) = -1
		.SchedulePDM 0,"K1"
	End With
End With
The item is not getting selected when clicking the cell's checkbox. What should I do
' CellStateChanged event - Fired after cell's state has been changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_CellStateChanged(ByVal Item As Long,ByVal ColIndex As Long)
	With G2antt1
		.Items.SelectItem(Item) = True
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add("Check").Def(0) = True
	With .Items
		.AddItem 0
		.AddItem 1
		.AddItem 2
		.AddItem 3
	End With
End With
How can I add a summary item as a child or subitem of another one

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 96
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2011#
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Items
		hSummary = .AddItem("Project")
		.AddBar hSummary,"Summary",#1/1/2011#,#1/1/2011#,"Sum"
		hChild = .InsertItem(hSummary,0,"Task 1")
		.AddBar hChild,"Task",#1/2/2011#,#1/4/2011#,"Task1"
		.DefineSummaryBars hSummary,"Sum",hChild,"Task1"
		hChild = .InsertItem(hSummary,0,"Task 2")
		.AddBar hChild,"Task",#1/4/2011#,#1/6/2011#,"Task2"
		.DefineSummaryBars hSummary,"Sum",hChild,"Task2"
		hChild = .InsertItem(hSummary,0,"Task 3")
		.AddBar hChild,"Task",#1/6/2011#,#1/8/2011#,"Task3"
		.DefineSummaryBars hSummary,"Sum",hChild,"Task3"
		.ExpandItem(hSummary) = True
	End With
End With
How can I make an item a subitem of another one
With G2antt1
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		hSummary = .AddItem("Project")
		hChild = .InsertItem(hSummary,0,"Task 1")
		hChild = .InsertItem(hSummary,0,"Task 2")
		hChild = .InsertItem(hSummary,0,"Task 3")
		.ExpandItem(hSummary) = True
	End With
End With
Is it possible to move a bar per drag and drop to another owner/item
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add("Members").Def(17) = 1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = 0
		.AllowSelectObjects = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 96
		.Bars.Item("Task").OverlaidType = 4611 ' OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsIncludeCaption Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStackAutoArrange Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStack
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Member <b>1</b>")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/23/2006#,"T102","Task <b>102</b>"
		.ItemBar(h,"T102",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"T102",28) = True
		h = .AddItem("Member <b>2</b>")
		h = .AddItem("Member <b>3</b>")
		h = .AddItem("Member <b>4</b>")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/23/2006#,"T103","Task <b>103</b>"
		.ItemBar(h,"T103",4) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"T103",28) = True
	End With
End With
I have the chart displaying days, is it possible to display bars/tasks up to hours so inside days somehow
With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.UnitWidth = 38
		.PaneWidth(False) = 28
		.FirstVisibleDate = #3/4/2011#
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.ResizeUnitScale = 65536
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("ASS"),"Task",#3/7/2011#,#3/7/2011 3:30:00 AM#
		.AddBar .AddItem("EMB"),"Task",#3/7/2011 3:30:00 AM#,#3/8/2011 9:15:00 AM#
		.AddBar .AddItem("TES"),"Task",#3/8/2011 9:15:00 AM#,#3/8/2011 1:45:00 PM#
	End With
End With
Is it possible to limit the height of the item while resizing
' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub G2antt1_AddItem(ByVal Item As Long)
	With G2antt1
		.Items.ItemMinHeight(Item) = 18
		.Items.ItemMaxHeight(Item) = 72
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.ItemsAllowSizing = -1
	.ScrollBySingleLine = False
	.BackColorAlternate = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Columns.Add "Names"
	With .Items
		.AddItem "Mantel"
		.AddItem "Mechanik"
		.AddItem "Motor"
		.AddItem "Murks"
		.AddItem "Märchen"
		.AddItem "Möhren"
		.AddItem "Mühle"
	End With
	.Columns.Item(0).SortOrder = 1
End With
Is it possible to copy the hierarchy of the control using the GetItems method
With G2antt1
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	.Columns.Add "Def"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
	.PutItems .GetItems(-1)
End With
I have found a property ReadOnly but this doesn't work correctly. I need the chart part of the control to be readonly too. Is it possible
With G2antt1
	.ReadOnly = -1
	With .Chart
		.AllowCreateBar = 0
		.BarsAllowSizing = False
		.AllowLinkBars = False
	End With
End With
How can I select a column
' MouseDown event - Occurs when the user presses a mouse button.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer,ByVal Shift As Integer,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long)
	' Columns.Item(Me.ColumnFromPoint(X,Y)).Selected = True
	With G2antt1
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SingleSel = False
	.FullRowSelect = 1
	.SortOnClick = 0
	With .Columns
		.Add "Column1"
		.Add "Column2"
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem("One"),1) = "One"
		.CellValue(.AddItem("Two"),1) = "Two"
	End With
End With
I have several columns, but noticed that the filter is using AND between columns, but I need OR clause for filtering. Is it possible
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Item")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.Filter = "Child 1"
		.FilterType = 240
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Date")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.FilterList = 9474 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
		.Filter = #12/28/2010#
		.FilterType = 4
	End With
	.FilterCriteria = "%0 or %1"
	.Description(23) = "<font ;18><fgcolor=FF0000>or</fgcolor></font>"
	.Description(11) = "<font ;18><fgcolor=FF0000>and</fgcolor></font>"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.CellValue(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 1"),1) = #12/27/2010#
		.CellValue(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 2"),1) = #12/28/2010#
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.CellValue(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 1"),1) = #12/29/2010#
		.CellValue(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 2"),1) = #12/30/2010#
	End With
End With
Is it possible exclude the dates being selected in the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	With .Columns.Add("Date")
		.SortType = 2
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.FilterList = 9474 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem #12/27/2010#
		.AddItem #12/28/2010#
		.AddItem #12/29/2010#
		.AddItem #12/30/2010#
		.AddItem #12/31/2010#
	End With
End With
How can I display a calendar control inside the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	With .Columns.Add("Date")
		.SortType = 2
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.FilterList = 1282 ' FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem #12/27/2010#
		.AddItem #12/28/2010#
		.AddItem #12/29/2010#
		.AddItem #12/30/2010#
		.AddItem #12/31/2010#
	End With
End With
Is it possible to include the dates as checkb-boxes in the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	With .Columns.Add("Dates")
		.SortType = 2
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.FilterList = 1280 ' FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
		.Filter = "to 12/27/2010"
		.FilterType = 4
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem #12/27/2010#
		.AddItem #12/28/2010#
		.AddItem #12/29/2010#
		.AddItem #12/30/2010#
		.AddItem #12/31/2010#
	End With
End With
How can I filter items for dates before a specified date
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	With .Columns.Add("Dates")
		.SortType = 2
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.FilterList = 1026 ' FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
		.Filter = "to 12/27/2010"
		.FilterType = 4
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem #12/27/2010#
		.AddItem #12/28/2010#
		.AddItem #12/29/2010#
		.AddItem #12/30/2010#
		.AddItem #12/31/2010#
	End With
End With
Is it possible to filter dates
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	With .Columns.Add("Dates")
		.SortType = 2
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.FilterList = 1026 ' FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem #12/27/2010#
		.AddItem #12/28/2010#
		.AddItem #12/29/2010#
		.AddItem #12/30/2010#
		.AddItem #12/31/2010#
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the Exclude field name to something different, in the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	.Description(25) = "Leaving out"
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = 9472 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
	End With
End With
How can I display the Exclude field in the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = 9472 ' FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show and ensure the focused item from the control, in the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = 1280 ' FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.SelectItem(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 2")) = True
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show only blanks items with no listed items from the control
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = 16386 ' FilterListEnum.exShowBlanks Or FilterListEnum.exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
End With
How can I include the blanks items in the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = 16640 ' FilterListEnum.exShowBlanks Or FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
End With
How can I select multiple items in the drop down filter window, using check-boxes
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = 256
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to allow a single item being selected in the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = 128
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
End With
How can I display no (All) item in the drop down filter window
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	.Description(0) = ""
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.FilterList = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display no items in the drop down filter window, so only the pattern is visible
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.FilterList = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
End With
How can I specify the time-scale available when zoom-in/zoom-out or enlarging the chart
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.LevelCount = 3
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.AllowResizeChart = 262 ' ResizeChartEnum.exAllowChangeUnitScale Or ResizeChartEnum.exAllowResizeChartMiddle Or ResizeChartEnum.exAllowResizeChartHeader
		.Label(65536) = ""
		.Label(1048576) = ""
		.Label(16777216) = ""
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task A"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task B"),"Task",#1/6/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task C"),"Task",#1/10/2001#,#1/14/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem(""),"",#1/8/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"Info","Click the <b>middle</b> mouse button and start dragging"
	End With
End With
How can I enable zoom-in/zoom-out or enlarging the chart, using the mouse middle button
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.LevelCount = 3
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.AllowResizeChart = 262 ' ResizeChartEnum.exAllowChangeUnitScale Or ResizeChartEnum.exAllowResizeChartMiddle Or ResizeChartEnum.exAllowResizeChartHeader
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task A"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task B"),"Task",#1/6/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task C"),"Task",#1/10/2001#,#1/14/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem(""),"",#1/8/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"Info","Click the <b>middle</b> mouse button and start dragging"
	End With
End With
How can I enable zoom-in/zoom-out or enlarging, using the chart's header

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.LevelCount = 3
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.AllowResizeChart = 258 ' ResizeChartEnum.exAllowChangeUnitScale Or ResizeChartEnum.exAllowResizeChartHeader
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task A"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task B"),"Task",#1/6/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task C"),"Task",#1/10/2001#,#1/14/2001#,"K1"
	End With
End With
How can I enable resizing the chart, using the mouse middle button
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.LevelCount = 3
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.AllowResizeChart = 6 ' ResizeChartEnum.exAllowResizeChartMiddle Or ResizeChartEnum.exAllowResizeChartHeader
		.MaxUnitWidth = 128
		.MinUnitWidth = 8
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task A"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task B"),"Task",#1/6/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task C"),"Task",#1/10/2001#,#1/14/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem(""),"",#1/8/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"Info","Click the <b>middle</b> mouse button and start dragging"
	End With
End With
How can I enable resizing the chart, using the chart's header
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.LevelCount = 3
		.UnitScale = 4096
		.AllowResizeChart = 2
		.MaxUnitWidth = 128
		.MinUnitWidth = 8
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task A"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task B"),"Task",#1/6/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"K1"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task C"),"Task",#1/10/2001#,#1/14/2001#,"K1"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to auto-numbering the children items but still keeps the position after filtering

With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.FilterType = 240
		.Filter = "Child 2"
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.1")
		.FormatColumn = "1 ropos ''"
		.Position = 0
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.2")
		.FormatColumn = "1 ropos ':'"
		.Position = 1
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.3")
		.FormatColumn = "1 ropos ':|A-Z'"
		.Position = 2
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.4")
		.FormatColumn = "1 ropos '|A-Z|'"
		.Position = 3
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.5")
		.FormatColumn = "'<font Tahoma;7>' + 1 ropos '-<b>||A-Z'"
		.Def(17) = 1
		.Position = 4
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.6")
		.FormatColumn = "'<b>'+ 1 ropos '</b>:<fgcolor=FF0000>|A-Z|'"
		.Def(17) = 1
		.Position = 5
		.Width = 48
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to auto-numbering the children items too

With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.LinesAtRoot = -1
	.Columns.Add "Items"
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.1")
		.FormatColumn = "1 rpos ''"
		.Position = 0
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.2")
		.FormatColumn = "1 rpos ':'"
		.Position = 1
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.3")
		.FormatColumn = "1 rpos ':|A-Z'"
		.Position = 2
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.4")
		.FormatColumn = "1 rpos '|A-Z|'"
		.Position = 3
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.5")
		.FormatColumn = "'<font Tahoma;7>' + 1 rpos '-<b>||A-Z'"
		.Def(17) = 1
		.Position = 4
		.Width = 32
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("Pos.6")
		.FormatColumn = "'<b>'+ 1 rpos '</b>:<fgcolor=FF0000>|A-Z|'"
		.Def(17) = 1
		.Position = 5
		.Width = 48
		.AllowSizing = False
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
	End With
End With